" Kt's video's: Rush Limbaugh Operation Chaos

Sometimes you have to see it to believe it... We have videos that make you say wow...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Rush Limbaugh Operation Chaos

I generally don't listen to am but I was bored one afternoon and decide to scroll through the AM dial. I hear this buffoon on the radio, they call him Rush Limbaugh. He is proud of a plan that he has concocted called Operation Chaos. He has been advocating to his listeners who are republican to go out and register Democrat and vote for Hillary Clinton. The plan is to allow Clinton to win the democratic nomination and then let McClain beat Clinton in the general election. Okay we know the plan now we need to create our own plan or we are destined to have another republican in office. Gas at $4.00 dollars a gallon is killing me and if we don't fight for us, who will... Rush?

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