" Kt's video's: How to resolve our high gas prices

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Friday, April 11, 2008

How to resolve our high gas prices

I suppose if you have not looked lately you did not see that the price of gas goes up every other week, and keeps reaching record highs. Over an over again we keep complain about when is it going to stop! The candidates whether they are democrats or republicans are not making the economy a number 1 priority, currently the war is. The United States have fallen into a recession. Yet we keep extending our hand to other countries trying to help them resolve their issues. So what do they do for us after we help them with their problems? Absolutely nothing!

Hey here is an ideal we are over in Iraq making that country free of dictatorship, why not make the country pay us back for the cost of liberating them from the torture chambers of Saddam Hussein. Iraq's sustainable oil production capacity is almost 3 million barrels per day. The earth beneath Iraqi sands holds more than 112 billion barrels of oil – the world's second largest proven reserves – and unexplored regions could yield an additional 100 billion barrels, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Iraq also contains 110 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. And yet this war has nearly bankrupted our treasury. The Republicans continue to pump money from American taxpayers to support this unpopular war instead of pumping Iraqi oil. We have spent 500 billion, half a trillion dollars so far on making the Sunni triangle safe for democracy, but it hasn't even kept our own soilders safe. The month that President Bush was sworn into office, gas was $1.30 a gallon. This week, gas is averaging $3.30 a gallon, and near $5 a gallon in Los Angeles. Two dollars a gallon more for the war on terror! Make the Iraqis foot the bill for their own liberation! When the Republican Party stops depleting the tax base for this endless war, Iraq's oil can be used to rebuild their country and pay us back. Now it is time for the 24 million liberated Iraqis to pay back their liberators. With the one resource they have – oil.

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