" Kt's video's: How to save $1,825 dollars

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Friday, April 18, 2008

How to save $1,825 dollars

Have you ever felt that what you were doing in life was throwing your money away? You see with out a plan you can never accomplish anything.
Here is something that I know that you can do and if you do it you can save $1,825 for one year!
So every day before you begin your day set $5.00 dollars aside, and put it in a jug. After 1 week you have saved $35 dollars. Now deposit that money in your savings account. After 1 month you will have saved $140 dollars. Now where you begin to make your money is here, their are 365 days in a year---so if you save $5.00 dollars a day and you mutiply that times 365, you have saved $1,825. Have you ever just sat and thought about how much money you waste in a day? Think about this even if you only did one dollar you would still save $365 dollars. See how easy that is. Now you don't have to waste any more money, you can save it!

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