" Kt's video's: The Power of the Rose!

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Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Power of the Rose!

The beauty of a rose, captures many hearts. It can not only make you smile but it has help heal as well.
Things You Need cotton balls rose petals sugar honey
Step 1: Use for a facial. Crush about 1/2 cup of rose pedals into a mortar and pestle. Add a bit of honey and apply to your face. Wash off with cool water after about 10 minutes. Your skin will glow and feel soft and supple.
Step 2: Use in the tub. To add some fragrance to your water, throw in a bunch of rose pestle. It makes for a rejuvenating experience.
Step 3: Reduce puffy tired eyes. Take two cotton balls soaked in rose water at room temperature. Place them over your eyes for 10-15 minutes.
Step 4: Aroma therapy. Apply a drop or two to your forehead between your brows before meditation. This helps clear the mind and also deepen sleep.
Step 5: Lift your mood. Add a few pedals or rose oil to a quart of boiling water. Turn heat off and allow to steep. Let the scent of roses fill your home.
Step 6: Place granulated sugar and organic rose pedals in a blender. Put in a glass jar and leave out in the sun for 10 -15 days. try on toast in yogurt or with fruit.
Step 7:reduce anxiety. Place a few drops in a handkerchief and breath in. This will help you to relax and calm down if your feeling anxious or upset.
Bacteria dies within five minutes when contacted with fresh rose petals which makes rose a perfect medicine for fighting skin diseases. Fresh rose petals will help cure festering wounds and burns; they may also alleviate allergic itching.
Powder of dried rose petals mixed with honey is an effective medicine against mouth inflammations, stomatitis and paradontose. The mixture should be rubbed into inflamed gums. Headaches, sickness and weakness can be cured with inhalation of roses and attar of roses. Rose inhalations are also recommended to people with poor nervous system, liable to neurosis and depressions. Put a bowl with hot water and rose petals in the room in case you suffer from nervous diseases, cold in the head, cough and flu.

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