" Kt's video's: Dick Gregory

Sometimes you have to see it to believe it... We have videos that make you say wow...

Monday, April 28, 2008

Dick Gregory

This is so deep!


Anonymous said...

I really can relate to Dick when he stated," When you see a policeman drive by and you grip the steering wheel so tight and thank God when they pass you by". Dick was just bringing us back to reality. It does not matter how many degrees a person have or how much money they have in the bank in the end they are still BLACK and will be treated as so. Some of our black folks get all high and mighty and forget about their heritage. I am not saying they have to approve the wrong. What I am saying is stand up and let your voices be heard...!!!!

kt merritt said...

You you so much for your comment, I agree that we are trapped in this world of misfortune. White people say we cry wolf, but until they can walk in our shoes how can they say anything? For from their point of view we are all treated equally!!!

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