" Kt's video's: Australian backpacker murderer Ivan Milat chops finger off in jail

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Australian backpacker murderer Ivan Milat chops finger off in jail

Ivan Milat, Australia’s most notorious serial killer who murdered seven backpackers in the 1990s, has cut off his finger in jail and tried to post it to a judge at the country’s highest court.
The 64-year-old is serving seven life sentences for the murders of the backpackers – including two British women and three Germans – at the Supermax maximum security prison at Goulburn, 125 miles (200km) south-west of Sydney.
On Monday afternoon Milat, who has a history of self-harm in jail, was reported to have used the serrated plastic knife that came with his meal to sever his left little finger, then placed it in an envelope addressed to a judge on Australia’s High Court.
He handed the envelope to a prison officer, who quickly arranged for the prisoner, and his detached digit, to be transferred to a local hospital under extremely tight security.
Milat was reported to be calm and not showing any symptoms of shock, despite having just cut off his own finger. In hospital under the guard of four Extreme High Risk Escort prison officers, doctors assessed the mass murderer’s finger and deemed it too late for it to be reattached. more

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