" Kt's video's: Doctors baffled that baby is not getting bigger

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Doctors baffled that baby is not getting bigger

Meet Suraya Brown – the little girl who is baffling doctors by refusing to grow.
The brown-eyed youngster is now 14-months-old and should weigh at least 20lb. Yet she is still the size of a newborn baby, tipping the scales at just over 7lb and a mere 19in.
Suraya has been examined by a whole team of specialists including paediatricians, nutritionists, geneticists and hormone experts.
But doctors say they still have no idea why she won’t grow – describing her condition as a “real conundrum”.

Mum Atlanta Ruzman, 24, said yesterday that her daughter was like a real-life baby doll.
She said: “The doctors haven’t got a clue what is wrong with her.
“They’ve consulted international experts about her case but her condition seems to be a complete mystery.
“She cannot sit, talk or crawl and she has to be fed through a tube to keep her alive. But she just hasn’t been putting on any weight.
“She is way behind other youngsters of her age and when they mark her growth chart they have to plot her off the graph. She is a just like a real-life doll. In fact my other daughter has a doll that is bigger than her.”

Suraya was born four weeks early weighing 2.6lb. But specialists say nine out of 10 babies born at this stage will immediately start growing and put on weight.
In Suraya’s case she stayed at her birth weight for the first eight months and has only put on a small amount over the past six.
Experts at various hospitals in London have carried out all kinds of tests on Suraya to find out what could be wrong with her. These have included checks to see whether she is suffering from some form of dwarfism.

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