" Kt's video's: McCain can not shake his association

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Friday, October 31, 2008

McCain can not shake his association

webassets/bushpalinmccain081031mn.jpgWith a daily dosage of CNN, I notice that all McCains speeches start with my friends and Senator Obama is not going too... McCain plan is that he is going to save America from Obama... I understand a good defense is a great offense, but if you are always on defense how can you ever score? The bottom dropped out of the economy and it gave everyone a clear picture of what Bush/McCain agenda was. Three months ago John McCain, Bush, and several Fox affiliates thought the economy was sound. As a matter of fact when people were loosing jobs, they kept patting us on our backs saying everything is just fine.

Now that we are strolling down recession street McCain and  the Conservative base is scrambling around trying to figure out just what are they going to do. They came up with a bright ideal that they would use the same tacit that did not work last year, except they would use it this year. I am so tired of hearing about things that happened 6 years ago, when is it all going to end... November 4th. Why would any one elect a president based merely on mudsling and the promise that I am not going to be like him... " Did anyone hear na, na,nana, na na" So everyone understand McCain strategy is, throw it all on the wall and what sticks, "Thats what He uses as his attack?"! Is that what we want running our country? No plan, just shooting from the hip? I could have swore that their was another guy that did the same thing for 8 years and we are suffering at the hands of faith right now! If I was going to make an educated guess I would look how each candidate and how he has ran his campaign. How he managed his time, who he had supporting him and last but not least what he has done to lead to this date... If you look at all this information constructively and come up with a conclusion then you know who you are suppose to vote for!

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