Friday, October 31, 2008
McCain can not shake his association
Now that we are strolling down recession street McCain and the Conservative base is scrambling around trying to figure out just what are they going to do. They came up with a bright ideal that they would use the same tacit that did not work last year, except they would use it this year. I am so tired of hearing about things that happened 6 years ago, when is it all going to end... November 4th. Why would any one elect a president based merely on mudsling and the promise that I am not going to be like him... " Did anyone hear na, na,nana, na na" So everyone understand McCain strategy is, throw it all on the wall and what sticks, "Thats what He uses as his attack?"! Is that what we want running our country? No plan, just shooting from the hip? I could have swore that their was another guy that did the same thing for 8 years and we are suffering at the hands of faith right now! If I was going to make an educated guess I would look how each candidate and how he has ran his campaign. How he managed his time, who he had supporting him and last but not least what he has done to lead to this date... If you look at all this information constructively and come up with a conclusion then you know who you are suppose to vote for!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The word Nig**r is yelled at a Palin Rally
How can she act like she did not hear that? That lets me know she is okay with the N word and she does not mind the hate that comes out of it.
Don't believe the hype!
If its not one thing its another. The only way that you can know the truth is research. I personally just can not believe the tactics that are being used right now as history unfolds. A who was my response a few months ago, but now I have a clue who ACORN is. I looked up information on them and much to my surprise they are a legit, positive, community based organization. But the republican party portray them as a terrorist group simply because they believe in making sure all people(regardless of class) has a vote and is educated on the Democratic process!!
Did you know that members of congress has been in jail?

Did you know that a remarkable number of U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators may have spent as much time in a jail cell as on Capitol Hill.
After researching public records, newspaper articles, civil court transcripts, and criminal records, Capitol Hill Blue discovered that:
* 29 members of Congress have been accused of spousal abuse.
* 7 have been arrested for fraud.
* 19 have been accused of writing bad checks.
* 117 have bankrupted at least two businesses.
* 3 have been arrested for assault.
* 71 have credit reports so bad they can't qualify for a
credit card.
* 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges.
* 8 have been arrested for shoplifting.
* 21 are current defendants in lawsuits.
* And in 1998 alone, 84 were stopped for drunk driving, but released after they claimed Congressional immunity.
Capitol Hill Blue did not list the names of all the individual members of Congress accused of the various crimes, but did note that some were "serial offenders" with extensive tracks records of fraud or violence.
For example, reported Capitol Hill Blue, Rep. Corrine Brown (D-FL) has a "long, consistent record of deceit," including tens of thousands of dollars in unpaid bills, allegations of bribery, and numerous lawsuits against her. And Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) faces charges that he beat his wife, has a history of barroom brawls while mayor of Alexandria, and has publicly stated that he likes "to hit people."
"With a rap sheet like that, you have to wonder why Americans expect Congress to solve the problem of crime -- since Congress seems to be causing so much crime," said Dasbach. "In fact, if this study is correct, the best way to cut crime may be to lock up Congress and throw away the key."
And given the obvious economic incompetence of so many Senators and Representatives, you have to wonder why voters trust them with the federal budget, he said.
"Here are politicians who routinely bankrupt businesses, write bad checks, engage in fraudulent practices, and have bad credit," said Dasbach. "That could explain why the country is more than $5 trillion in debt, why federal programs are so wasteful, and
why taxes are always going up. Are these really the kind of economically illiterate people we want to trust with our money?" If nothing else, said Dasbach, the Capitol Hill Blue investigation may help puncture the myth that Senators and Representatives are somehow superior to ordinary Americans, or better equipped to solve the nation's problems. "By its very nature, politics tends to attract venal people who crave power, who want to control the lives of other people, and who think they are above the law," he noted. "This study makes that
point clear -- and illustrates that when it comes to politicians, the only thing worse than their voting records are their criminal
Monday, October 27, 2008
Berg's law suit dismissed as "Frivolous"
Should Sen. Obama be elected president, the right is going to make the conspiracy theories about Bill Clinton seem like quaint bedtime stories.
A federal judge in Philadelphia last night threw out a complaint by a Montgomery County lawyer who claimed that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was not qualified to be president and that his name should be removed from the Nov. 4 ballot.
Philip J. Berg alleged in a complaint filed in federal district court on Aug. 21 against Obama, the Democratic National Committee and the Federal Election Commission, that Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya.
Berg claimed that the Democratic presidential standardbearer is not even an American citizen but a citizen of Indonesia and therefore ineligible to be president.
He alleged that if Obama was permitted to run for president and subsequently found to be ineligible, he and other voters would be disenfranchised.
U.S. District Judge R. Barclay Surrick had denied Berg’s request for a temporary restraining order on Aug. 22 but had not ruled on the merits of the suit until yesterday.
…In a 34-page memorandum and opinion, the judge said Berg’s allegations of harm were “too vague and too attenuated” to confer standing on him or any other voters.
Surrick ruled that Berg’s attempts to use certain laws to gain standing to pursue his claim that Obama was not a natural-born citizen were “frivolous and not worthy of discussion.”
The judge also said the harm Berg alleged did “not constitute an injury in fact” and Berg’s arguments to the contrary “ventured into the unreasonable.”
This sorry ass attorney Philip J. Berg should be disbarred for filing such a frivolous lawsuit. Berg had no reason other than jealousy to file such a law suit! Berg had tried to run for President 2 times and both times failed... So his brash attempt at fame allowed him to receive over 40 million hits to his web site and made him a overnight celebrity when he began appearing on every conservative talk show accross America. His claim lost steam when he began quoting talk show host facts... The great thing about Obama is he never once looked back...
A federal judge in Philadelphia last night threw out a complaint by a Montgomery County lawyer who claimed that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was not qualified to be president and that his name should be removed from the Nov. 4 ballot.
Philip J. Berg alleged in a complaint filed in federal district court on Aug. 21 against Obama, the Democratic National Committee and the Federal Election Commission, that Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya.
Berg claimed that the Democratic presidential standardbearer is not even an American citizen but a citizen of Indonesia and therefore ineligible to be president.
He alleged that if Obama was permitted to run for president and subsequently found to be ineligible, he and other voters would be disenfranchised.
U.S. District Judge R. Barclay Surrick had denied Berg’s request for a temporary restraining order on Aug. 22 but had not ruled on the merits of the suit until yesterday.
…In a 34-page memorandum and opinion, the judge said Berg’s allegations of harm were “too vague and too attenuated” to confer standing on him or any other voters.
Surrick ruled that Berg’s attempts to use certain laws to gain standing to pursue his claim that Obama was not a natural-born citizen were “frivolous and not worthy of discussion.”
The judge also said the harm Berg alleged did “not constitute an injury in fact” and Berg’s arguments to the contrary “ventured into the unreasonable.”
This sorry ass attorney Philip J. Berg should be disbarred for filing such a frivolous lawsuit. Berg had no reason other than jealousy to file such a law suit! Berg had tried to run for President 2 times and both times failed... So his brash attempt at fame allowed him to receive over 40 million hits to his web site and made him a overnight celebrity when he began appearing on every conservative talk show accross America. His claim lost steam when he began quoting talk show host facts... The great thing about Obama is he never once looked back...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Why didn't we see this on the news?
McCain change of the truth
The change of things to come, does any of this sound familar? Why is it that the truth is so hard to find? McCain continues to give his personal attacks on Obama, but through all this I have not heard one once of what he plans on doing. Is that what the people of America want?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Nick Hogan has been released from a Florida

CLEARWATER, Fla., Oct. 21 -- The 18-year-old son of professional wrestling icon Hulk Hogan, Nick Hogan has been released from a Florida jail after serving five months for felony reckless driving.
Hogan left the Pinellas County jail after serving 166 days of an eight-month sentence. E! said the teen was let out early because he earned nearly three months off of his sentence for good behavior.
He pleaded no contest in May to the charge of felony reckless driving, which stemmed from a September 2007 car crash that critically injured his best friend, John Graziano, and is believed to have left him in need of lifelong medical care.
In addition to the jail time, Hogan will be on probation for five years and have to serve 500 hours of community service, E! said.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Why choose him?

AS THE nation wavers precariously at the precipice of economic ruin, American voters must decide who has the knowledge, steadiness, judgment, and inspirational qualities to lead us effectively out of that morass, for the next four years and beyond.
For guidance in arriving at this momentous decision, the election of the next president of the United States, we can look to the sober lessons of history. Without exaggeration, the country faces a transformational election on Nov. 4, not unlike that of 1932, which prefaced Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal and a long slog out of the Great Depresssion ...
We believe the person best equipped by temperament and intellect to firmly grasp the reins of government and guide it safely forward in these uncertain times is Barack Obama.
Like another member of Congress from Illinois, Abraham Lincoln, Senator Obama initially rose to prominence on the strength of soaring oratory. Over the past 18 months of the grueling campaign, his background has been thoroughly inspected and dissected by the press and a political opposition dedicated to keeping him from the White House.
The man who has emerged is young (47) but well-educated and accomplished, both as a state legislator and a member of the United States Senate. He is somewhat professorial but not stodgy, and in our direct contact with him he proved to be one of few politicians at his level with the capacity to actually listen to others and appreciate what they have to say.
During the campaign, Senator Obama also has shown himself to possess steely self-control, a single-minded focus, and endearing good humor in the face of specious attacks on everything from his biracial origin to his boyhood upbringing to his acquaintances during his political career in rough-and-tumble Chicago.
His calm and deliberate demeanor is particularly important because steadiness at the helm of government will be necessary to extricate the United States from its current crisis of confidence, both in politics and economics ...
America needs a new direction, not just because the current administration's economic policies - not to mention its war-bound foreign policies - have contributed to our current problems, but because we have lost our way in terms of the proper relationship between government and the people and, more importantly, the responsibility we owe each other. Americans who view the future with optimism do not -- even in the face of terrorism -- give up the basic freedoms our revolutionary forefathers died to secure.
Sen. John McCain, by nature, has shown himself to be incapable of providing the American people with an optimistic vision of the future. Firmly rooted in the failed politics and policies of the past, he cannot guide us on a path he does not see.
Senator Obama already has demonstrated that he is a man of the future in the way he has inspired a new generation of voters to become involved in the political process and to actively strive for a better tomorrow.
As a president from another era suggested, Americans should ask themselves: Am I better off than I was eight years ago? Four years ago? The answer is obvious and, therefore, the option on Nov. 4 is clear.
Historically, Ohio has had a critical role in presidential elections and appears poised once again to be a key in deciding who sits in the Oval Office for the next four years. This is an awesome responsibility, and one that cannot be taken lightly. For the future of Ohio and America, there is only one reasonable choice for president: Barack Obama.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The misconception of the truth

The term "terrorist" is loaded, and it would be disingenuous to suggest otherwise. It brings to mind swarthy Middle Eastern Islamic radicals bent on our destruction as evidenced by 9/11. It does not bring to mind a white hippie anti-war '60's radical, which is what Ayers was. The use of the word "terrorist" in regard to Ayers is outside of the historical narrative. Never before have I heard anyone use the word "terrorist" to describe '60's radicals who resorted to violence. But it is obvious that the McCain campaign chose to use word "terrorist" as a way to frighten people and remind them of the people who tried to destroy us. No one in their right mind would ever suggest that a '60's radical is a threat to anyone in 21st century America. But a "terrorist", well that is a big open wound in this country.
So Palin says Obama is "palling around with terrorists." Note the present tense and the plural noun. She is suggesting that he is currently in cahoots with multiple terrorists. Plus she said that Obama thinks that he sees America as so flawed that he associates with said terrorists. "He does not see America as you and I do," she said, meaning "he's not like us." Coupled with the fact that their surrogates emphasized his middle name, Hussein, which coincides with the last name of the Middle Eastern dictator we recently deposed, and John McCain's repeated question "Who is the real Barack Obama?" And their suggestion that Obama's campaign funding may have from the Middle East or Muslims. Plus their online propaganda campaign which says Obama is a Muslim, that he is not an American citizen, that he is somehow associated with other anti-American people, issues, or forces. When you take all this together it is inescapable that the are using racism and xenophobia to tell Americans to be afraid of Barack Obama. They cannot afford to make it a straight white/black thing, because they couldn't get away from it. They cannot overtly call Obama the "N" word and tell people not to vote for an "N," but they can surely put the dots out their and hope that people connect them. As Chris Matthews put it, McCain-Palin wants the voters to do their "dirty work" for them. And as we saw at McCain's town hall on Friday, people surely connected the dots, as evidenced by the guy saying he is afraid of an Obama presidency and the now (in)famous old lady who said she could not trust Obama because he is an "Arab." Combined to the various people at their rallies who have called Obama a "terrorist" or shouted "treason," "Off with his head," and "kill him." Are you saying that these people pulled this out of nowhere?
As for Obama not denouncing non-Christians as you think he should, I don't know which Bible you've read, but mine does not say that. My church never preached that. According to Christ, the highest commandment is to love, love you’re God and love others. That means everyone, and there are no preconditions for this love. The Bible goes further to say that those who say they love God, but hate their brothers are liars. It is harsher still and says that those who hate others are "murderers." Out of the two tickets, I would say that Obama and Biden have showed more Christian behavior than McCain-Palin. As for McCain-Palin, I'm afraid that Christ would offer them the term he often called the religious-political leaders of the time, and it is "hypocrite."
Monday, October 13, 2008
Obama Up 10 Points In New Poll

With just over three weeks until Election Day, the two presidential nominees appear to be on opposite trajectories, with Sen. Barack Obama gaining momentum and Sen. John McCain stalled or losing ground on a range of issues and personal traits, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. Overall, Obama is leading 53 percent to 43 percent among likely voters, and for the first time in the general-election campaign, voters gave the Democrat a clear edge on tax policy and providing strong leadership.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Finally thats the John McCain I remember!

Its good to see that despite the ignorance of some American's out there that McCain is holding true to at least SOME of what he once stood for. McCain has never been a political mudslinger and has been popular for being an honorable, upstanding politician. I believe that the campaign that John McCain has been forced to run was initiated by the Republican Party, who convinced him that he could win if he played dirty.
The conduct John McCain's allowed to happen in the last six weeks has shown that he has lost his way. He probably lost many Republican votes as well when he picked Palin! Politicians often do things in elections that will help them WIN ! The conduct of the campaign in the last week is nothing short of disgusting and completely unforgivable.
The ideal of letting these racist comments slip through at these rallies were sad. The Republican Party has truly become the party of FEAR and HATE. Now whats next?
The conduct John McCain's allowed to happen in the last six weeks has shown that he has lost his way. He probably lost many Republican votes as well when he picked Palin! Politicians often do things in elections that will help them WIN ! The conduct of the campaign in the last week is nothing short of disgusting and completely unforgivable.
The ideal of letting these racist comments slip through at these rallies were sad. The Republican Party has truly become the party of FEAR and HATE. Now whats next?
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
John you are exaggerating your position...

John said, that he remembered the Lebanon issue , when he stood up to President Reagan, his hero, and said how they sent Marines in there, which he questioned how can we possibly benefit the affected situation, and said we shouldn't.
John this is FALSE: This is an issue that came up in the first presidential debate, as well. And in both cases, John you exaggerated your position. Marines were already in Lebanon when you arrived on Capitol Hill in 1983, and your vote was to prevent invoking the War Powers Act to extend the Marines already deployed. McCain you did vote against that, and just like you did in the first debate, John you are wrong to imply that you opposed sending the Marines to Lebanon.
John this is FALSE: This is an issue that came up in the first presidential debate, as well. And in both cases, John you exaggerated your position. Marines were already in Lebanon when you arrived on Capitol Hill in 1983, and your vote was to prevent invoking the War Powers Act to extend the Marines already deployed. McCain you did vote against that, and just like you did in the first debate, John you are wrong to imply that you opposed sending the Marines to Lebanon.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Tony Rezko ties to Barack Obama

In 1990, after Barack Obama was elected president of the Harvard Law Review, Rezmar Corp. offered him a job, which Obama turned down. Obama did end up taking a job with law firm Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland,[27] which primarily worked civil rights cases, but also represented Rezmar and helped the company get more than $43 million in government funding and whose former senior partner, Allison S. Davis, later went into business with Rezko and, in 2003, was appointed to Illinois State Board of Investment by Governor Blagojevich at Rezko's request.[7][28] On July 31, 1995 the first ever political contributions to Obama were $300 from a lawyer, a $5,000 loan from a car dealer, and $2,000 from two food companies owned by Rezko.[29] Starting in 2003, Rezko was one of the people on Obama's U.S. Senate campaign finance committee, which raised more than $14 million.[7] Rezko threw an early fundraiser for Obama, which Chicago Tribune reporter David Mendelland claims was instrumental in providing Obama with seed money for his U.S. Senate race.[1] Obama has since identified over $250,000 in campaign contributions to various Obama campaigns as coming from Rezko or close associates, and has claimed to have donated almost two thirds of that amount to unspecified nonprofit groups.[30][31] Also, in 2005 Obama purchased a new home in the Kenwood District of Chicago for $1.65 million (which was $300,000 below the asking price but represented the highest offer on the property) on the same day that Rezko's wife, Rita Rezko, purchased the adjoining empty lot from the same sellers for the full asking price.[32] Obama acknowledged bringing his interest in the property to Rezko's attention,[33] but denied any coordination of offers. According to Obama, while the properties had originally been a single property, the previous owners decided to sell the land as two separate lots, but made it a condition of the sales that they be closed on the same date. Obama also claimed that the properties had been on the market for months, that his offer was the best of two bids, and that Ms. Rezko's bid was matched by another offer, also of $625,000, so that she could not have purchased the property for less.[34] Obama's description of the purchase was later confirmed by the previous owner of the house.[35] After it had been reported in 2006 that Rezko was under federal investigation for influence-peddling, Obama purchased a 10 foot (3.0 m) wide strip of Ms. Rezko's property for $104,500, $60,000 above the assessed value.[32][7] According to Chicago Sun-Times columnist, Mark Brown, "Rezko definitely did Obama a favor by selling him the 10-foot strip of land, making his own parcel less attractive for development."[36] Obama acknowledges that the exchange may have created the appearance of impropriety, and stated "I consider this a mistake on my part and I regret it."[34] On December 28, 2006, Ms. Rezko sold the property to a company owned by her husband's former business attorney. That sale of $575,000, combined with the earlier $104,500 sale to the Obamas, amounted to a net profit of $54,500 over her original purchase, less $14,000 for a fence along the property line and other expenses.[37][38] In October 2007, the new owners put the still vacant land up for sale again, this time for $1.5 million.[39] In June 2007, the Sun-Times published a story about letters Obama had written in 1997 to city and state officials in support of a low-income senior citizen development project headed by Rezko and partner Allison Davis. The project received more than $14 million in taxpayer funds, including $885,000 in development fees for Rezko and Davis. Of Obama's letters in support of the Cottage View Terrace apartments development, Obama spokesman Bill Burton said, "This wasn't done as a favor for anyone, it was done in the interests of the people in the community who have benefited from the project. I don't know that anyone specifically asked him to write this letter nine years ago. There was a consensus in the community about the positive impact the project would make and Obama supported it because it was going to help people in his district." Rezko's attorney responded that "Mr. Rezko never spoke with, nor sought a letter from, Senator Obama in connection with that project.[40]
In the South Carolina Democratic Party presidential debate on January 21, 2008, Senator Hillary Clinton said that Obama had represented Rezko, who she referred to as a slum landlord.[41] Obama responded that he had never represented Rezko and had done only about five hours work, indirectly, for Rezko's firm.[citation needed] Within days of the debate, a photo of Rezko posing with Bill and Hillary Clinton surfaced. When asked about the photo Hillary Clinton commented "I probably have taken hundreds of thousands of pictures. I wouldn’t know him if he walked in the door."[42] [edit] Ties with other politicians Tony Rezko's first significant political act was hosting a fundraiser for Harold Washington during Washington's successful campaign to become Chicago's first black mayor.[4] He has since raised funds for many other politicians, both Democrats and Republicans.[43] In addition to Blagojevich and Obama, prominent Democrats that Rezko and his company, Rezmar, have contributed money to, or fund-raised for, are Comptroller Dan Hynes, Attorney General Lisa Madigan, Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn, former Chicago Mayors Daley and Washington, and former Cook County Board President John Stroger.[2] Rezko has also raised money for Republicans: former Illinois Governors Jim Edgar and George Ryan,[1] the late Rosemont, Illinois Mayor Donald Stephens and he co-chaired a multimillion-dollar fund-raiser for President George W. Bush in 2003.[43][3] Rezko headed the 2002 campaign finance committee for Stroger. Stroger in turn appointed Rezko's wife, Rita, to the Cook County Employee Appeals Board, which hears cases brought by fired or disciplined workers. The part-time post pays $37,000 a year.[1] A Rezko company had a contract to maintain pay telephones at the Cook County Jail under Stroger. The Chicago Sun-Times puts Rezko's contributions to Stroger at $148,300.[44]
So let me get this straight, if I know a person who is rich and can help me....I am not suppose to take his help? That believe it or not is the american way... When you know someone they can contribute to help you get to a better place!
Obama Widens Lead Over McCain in Poll

NASHVILLE, Tennessee (Oct. 6) - A new national poll suggests Barack Obama is widening his lead over John McCain in the race for the White House.
The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll out Monday afternoon suggests that the country's financial crisis, record low approval ratings for President Bush and a drop in the public's perception of McCain's running mate could be contributing to Obama's gains.
Congregation stands in the sanctuary of the synagogue, Friday, Sept. 2, 2008, in the Marquette Park neighborhood of Chicago. Rabbi Funnye is Democratic presidential candidate Barack
Fifty-three percent of likely voters questioned in the poll say they are backing Obama for president, with 45 percent supporting McCain.
That 8-point lead is double the 4-point lead Obama held in the last CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll, taken in mid-September.
Monday's CNN national Poll of Polls -- incorporating our new CNN survey, as well as new tracking numbers from Gallup and Hotline taken October 3-5-- shows Obama leading McCain by 7 points -- at 50 to 43 percent.
President Bush may be part of the reason why Obama's making gains. Only 24 percent of those polled approve of Bush's job as president, an all-time low for a CNN survey.
"Bush has now tied Richard Nixon's worst rating ever, taken in a poll just before he resigned in 1975, and is only 2 points higher than the worst presidential approval rating in history, Harry Truman's 22 percent mark in February 1952," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.
And that's bad news for McCain, because the poll suggests a growing number of Americans believe the Republican presidential nominee would have the same policies as the current Republican president. Fifty-six percent say McCain's policies would be the same as Bush, up from 50 percent a month ago.
The financial crisis also appears to be contributing to Obama's increased lead in the poll. Sixty-eight percent are confident in the Democratic presidential nominee's ability to handle the financial crisis, 18 points ahead of McCain, and 42 points ahead of Bush.
More Americans appear to have an unfavorable view of Gov. Sarah Palin, and that may also be helping Obama in the fight for the presidency. Forty percent now have an unfavorable view of Palin, up from 27 percent a month ago and from 21 percent in late August, when McCain surprised many people by picking the first-term Alaska governor as his running mate.
"A majority of Americans now believe that Sarah Palin would be unqualified to serve as president. more
Monday, October 6, 2008
Middle School Teacher Suspended for Obama Youth Video

Missouri - A middle school teacher in Missouri was suspended Monday for putting a video on YouTube of his students chanting lines from Barack Obama speeches and wearing military fatigues. The video, called "Obama Youth -- Junior Fraternity Regiment," was posted by a YouTube user named "keepitwildtv" on Oct. 2. The school learned the video was on the Internet and took action against the teacher Monday morning. Joyce McGautha, superintendent of the Urban Community Leadership Academy, a charter school for students in fifth through ninth grades in Kansas City, Mo., said that the video was probably taken last May during the Junior Fraternity's morning meeting at the school.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Husband and wife told they were too fat for plane to take off

UK - The plane was on the runway; the holidaymakers in good spirits. And when the stewardess came down the aisle towards Jan Coupe and her husband, she thought the flight attendant was going to check their seatbelts. Then came the moment Mrs Coupe wished the earth would open up and she could disappear. For the stewardess had to tell the couple that they were too heavy for the plane to take off. As his wife cringed with embarrassment, the husband moved to the front of the aircraft to help even out the weight. more
Friday, October 3, 2008
Did Sarah Palin reinvigorate the Republican Party?

Her job was to reinvigorate the portion of the Republican Party who had been doubting her ability to speak intelligently when questioned about major issues; the Republicans who woke up and realized that she is simply not qualified enough to be Vice President of the strongest country in the world. I don't believe that this debate did anything but solidify the concerns they had. They call it a debate for a reason, you’re asked a question, you give your position, and you fight for that position. The fact of the matter is that she didn't answer anything that John McCain didn't already answer last week. On questions concerning energy, she repeated verbatim what we had already heard from Senator McCain during his debate with Obama. On questions concerning anything else, she either didn't answer the question correctly, or she simply didn't answer the question and said that she wanted to "shoot it straight" to the American people and ended up talking about her record as Governor and Mayor. Some people probably thought that was great. What those people (let's call them "idiots") don't realize is that all of us non-idiots know that this was her way of letting us know that she didn't know the answer to the question. If she wants to shoot it to us straight, she could start by answering the questions. It's great that she is a Washington outsider, and she wants to go in there and "shake things up" but the fact of the matter is, she doesn't know enough about any of the major issues to speak intelligently on the behalf of the American people. The last thing we need in the White House is another country bumpkin who thinks that change can come from a little can-do attitude and sweat from your brow. It infuriates me to think that there are people out there will actually vote for John McCain because they think his running mate is “one of us." DO WE REALLY WANT "ONE OF US" IN THE WHITE HOUSE?? You did that 8 years ago and look where we are now!! You voted a guy into the White House because he was a "good 'ol boy" and he screwed us! A "hockey mom" is the same thing!! We were duped TWICE before guys! Let's vote for a politician who is willing to go to bat for all of us in the middle class who work our #### off everyday just to make ends meet. A politician who wants to raise the minimum wage, provide more money for schools and teachers, make health care affordable and available to 95% of the population, bring out troops home strategically and safely, and invest in clean energy that will free us from the stranglehold that the middle east has on our balls over oil. Barack Obama and Joe Biden have the combined knowledge and experience that we should want from the people who are making decisions that will affect our everyday lives. And if you're unwilling to educate yourself about each party's stance on the issues that affect you, then you probably deserve to get fooled again. OBAMA/BIDEN 08!
Mccain’s Tax Lie - Obama Did Not Vote To Raise Taxes On Families Making $42,000 A Year

McCain: “He has voted in the United States Senate to increase taxes on people who make as low as $42,000.”
Fact Claim That Obama Would Have Raised Taxes On “Families” Making $42,000 Is “Simply False.” “A Spanish-language radio ad claims the measure Obama supported would have raised taxes on ‘families’ making $42,000, which is simply false. Even a single mother with one child would have been able to make $58,650 without being affected. A family of four with income up to $90,000 would not have been affected.” [, 8/8/08]
Washington Post: McCain’s Attack On Obama For Voting To “Raise Taxes On People Making Just $42,000″ Is “Unacceptably Misleading.” “Barack Obama and John McCain have important differences on tax policy. These are fair game for campaign ads, and no one expects 30-second spots to be suffused with nuance. But Mr. McCain’s latest attack on the Obama tax plan crosses the line from reasonable argument to unacceptably misleading. ‘Obama voted to raise taxes on people making just $42,000,’ the announcer warns. The basis for this statement is the senator’s vote for the fiscal 2009 budget resolution, a nonbinding blueprint that assumed that all the Bush tax cuts would expire as scheduled. However, Mr. Obama has repeatedly said he wants to extend the Bush tax cuts for families making less than $250,000 a year. If anything, he has lavished too much in tax breaks on the middle class, proposing an expensive $1,000-per-family additional tax credit and, last weekend, piling on top of that an immediate, presumably one-time, $1,000-per-family rebate for energy costs.” [Editorial, Washington Post, 8/10/08] Over 95% Of Households With Children Would Get A Tax Cut Under Obama’s Plan. “In fact, an analysis of the candidates’ tax plans by the Urban Institute-Brookings Tax Policy Center found that 95.5 percent of households with children would get a tax cut under Obama’s plan.” [, 9/24/08]
Obama’s Plan Would Cut Taxes On The Middle Class Three To Almost Eight Times More Than McCain’s Would. “But when it comes to promises, it’s worth pointing out that, according to the non-partisan Tax Policy Center’s analysis of both candidates’ proposed plans, Obama would cut taxes for those making in the range of $38,000 to $66,000 three to almost eight times more than McCain would.” [MSNBC, "First Read," 8/8/08]
McCain’s Plan To Cut Taxes Leaves Out 101 Million Middle Class Households. “McCain’s plan is tilted toward corporations and the most affluent, neglects middle-class Americans and lacks immediate solutions, Obama’s advisers said today in a conference call with reporters held to unveil a report critical of the Arizona senator’s proposals. . McCain’s plan to cut taxes for the middle class by increasing the dependent exemption leaves out 101 million households without children, according to Obama’s report. His plan gives tax cuts to the nation’s wealthiest 2 percent and to large corporations, the report said.” [Bloomberg, 7/6/08; IRS Tax Stats; Tax Policy Center, Preliminary Analysis Of The 2008 Presidential Candidates' Tax Plan, 6/20/08]
Fact Claim That Obama Would Have Raised Taxes On “Families” Making $42,000 Is “Simply False.” “A Spanish-language radio ad claims the measure Obama supported would have raised taxes on ‘families’ making $42,000, which is simply false. Even a single mother with one child would have been able to make $58,650 without being affected. A family of four with income up to $90,000 would not have been affected.” [, 8/8/08]
Washington Post: McCain’s Attack On Obama For Voting To “Raise Taxes On People Making Just $42,000″ Is “Unacceptably Misleading.” “Barack Obama and John McCain have important differences on tax policy. These are fair game for campaign ads, and no one expects 30-second spots to be suffused with nuance. But Mr. McCain’s latest attack on the Obama tax plan crosses the line from reasonable argument to unacceptably misleading. ‘Obama voted to raise taxes on people making just $42,000,’ the announcer warns. The basis for this statement is the senator’s vote for the fiscal 2009 budget resolution, a nonbinding blueprint that assumed that all the Bush tax cuts would expire as scheduled. However, Mr. Obama has repeatedly said he wants to extend the Bush tax cuts for families making less than $250,000 a year. If anything, he has lavished too much in tax breaks on the middle class, proposing an expensive $1,000-per-family additional tax credit and, last weekend, piling on top of that an immediate, presumably one-time, $1,000-per-family rebate for energy costs.” [Editorial, Washington Post, 8/10/08] Over 95% Of Households With Children Would Get A Tax Cut Under Obama’s Plan. “In fact, an analysis of the candidates’ tax plans by the Urban Institute-Brookings Tax Policy Center found that 95.5 percent of households with children would get a tax cut under Obama’s plan.” [, 9/24/08]
Obama’s Plan Would Cut Taxes On The Middle Class Three To Almost Eight Times More Than McCain’s Would. “But when it comes to promises, it’s worth pointing out that, according to the non-partisan Tax Policy Center’s analysis of both candidates’ proposed plans, Obama would cut taxes for those making in the range of $38,000 to $66,000 three to almost eight times more than McCain would.” [MSNBC, "First Read," 8/8/08]
McCain’s Plan To Cut Taxes Leaves Out 101 Million Middle Class Households. “McCain’s plan is tilted toward corporations and the most affluent, neglects middle-class Americans and lacks immediate solutions, Obama’s advisers said today in a conference call with reporters held to unveil a report critical of the Arizona senator’s proposals. . McCain’s plan to cut taxes for the middle class by increasing the dependent exemption leaves out 101 million households without children, according to Obama’s report. His plan gives tax cuts to the nation’s wealthiest 2 percent and to large corporations, the report said.” [Bloomberg, 7/6/08; IRS Tax Stats; Tax Policy Center, Preliminary Analysis Of The 2008 Presidential Candidates' Tax Plan, 6/20/08]
Online Fraud Increases in 2007

Recently we were victims of online fraud through a chargeback. Although reports show the percent of fraud losses through chargebacks is less than half of the total of fraud losses this still hurt the bottom line.
Managing online fraud is a significant and growing cost for merchants of all sizes. In their 2008 Online Fraud Report, Cybersource reports “profit leaks in the Risk Management Pipeline™ impact as much as 47+% of orders for medium merchants and as much as 19+% of orders for larger merchants".
To better understand the impact of payment fraud for online merchants, CyberSource sponsors annual surveys addressing the detection, prevention and management of online fraud. The 2008 Online Fraud Report contains over 18 pages of statistics, analysis, charts and graphs and expert analysis reviews.
CyberSource also offers a chance to listen to their fraud management experts in this Free On-Demand Webinar.
Reports show total losses from online payment fraud in the U.S. and Canada as $3.1 billion in 2006 and $3.6 billion in 2007. What will the trend be this year?
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
former teacher had sex with a 13-year-old student

OMAHA, Nebraska (AP) -- A former teacher who fled to Mexico with a 13-year-old student so she could have sex with him was sentenced Monday to six years in federal prison.
Kelsey Peterson was sentenced to six years in federal prison for running off to Mexico with a student.
Kelsey Peterson, 26, had pleaded guilty in July to a charge of transporting a minor across state lines to have sex and avoided a similar charge that would have carried a mandatory 10-year minimum sentence.
She will be credited for nearly one year she has served and could get another year off for good behavior, said U.S. Attorney Joe Stecher.
The guilty plea doesn't mean Peterson is off the hook on state charges, which include kidnapping and first-degree sexual assault. more
Kids spread cheating methods on YouTube

‘‘Hi YouTube, it’s me, Kiki,’’ the teenager said to the camera as she swiveled in her chair to jazzy background music.
‘‘And today I’m going to show you how to cheat on a test - the effective way.’’
She demonstrates her technique, slipping a small piece of paper with the answers in a clear-tubed pen as she rationalizes her reasons for cheating.
‘‘I know it’s not a good thing to cheat,’’ she said. ‘‘It’s academic dishonesty, blah, blah, blah. But I think everyone has at least done it once.more
Did you know that Florida state attorney is investigating...

A Florida state attorney is investigating thousands of potentially fraudulent voter registrations associated with the leading organizer of Florida's Amendment 5 ballot initiative. But this is just the tip of an iceberg of illegalities, fraud and contradictions connected to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) ... Former ACORN Miami-Dade field director Mac Stuart has declared an intent to sue ACORN and has made charges of rampant voter fraud operations. Stuart was employed and specifically tasked by ACORN to generate 103,000 new voter registrations from Dade County. He reports that ACORN threw out Republican registrations while paying for Democratic ones. Stuart also charges that ACORN targeted ex-cons and that he personally set up registration tables outside the Miami police department and Dade County jail.
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