Saturday, March 21, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
How to Tell if a Mirror Is Two Way or Not

A two-way mirror is glass which, on one side, provides a reflection, but on the other side, functions as a window. It is used to observe people so that they are not aware that they are being watched, or who is watching them. Two-way mirrors (also known as one-way, transparent, and observation mirrors) are not uncommon in police stations or psychological institutions, but there are other, less obvious settings where people worry about being watched, such as dressing rooms and workplaces. If you are concerned about a particular mirror, here's how to tell if there's someone looking on the other side.
Observe how the mirror is installed. A normal mirror is hung against the wall, but an observation mirror is set into the wall. If the wall is behind the mirror, it's probably a normal mirror.
Turn off the lights and hold a flashlight or even a small personal flashlight to the mirror. If it is a two-way mirror, the room on the other side will be illuminated.
Press your eyes against the mirror and cup them with your hands, creating a dark "tunnel" to block out the light. When you do so, the light in the observation room will be brighter than the light on your side of the mirror, and you should be able to see something beyond the glass.
Tap on the surface of the mirror with your knuckle. A normal mirror will produce a dull sound because it is placed in front of a wall. A two-way mirror, however, will produce an open, hollow, and reverberating sound, because there is an open space on the other side.
The "fingernail" test most commonly associated with identifying two-way mirrors is not as reliable as any of the methods above. It can be performed by putting your fingernail against the mirror. If there is NO gap between your nail and the reflection, you are touching a first-surface mirror. These are quite expensive and would not be installed under ordinary circumstances. All observation mirrors are first surface mirrors, but not all first surface mirrors are observation mirrors.
Some places, such as gas stations will use one way metal mirrors because glass mirrors can be destroyed by users.
Turn off the lights and hold a flashlight or even a small personal flashlight to the mirror. If it is a two-way mirror, the room on the other side will be illuminated.
Press your eyes against the mirror and cup them with your hands, creating a dark "tunnel" to block out the light. When you do so, the light in the observation room will be brighter than the light on your side of the mirror, and you should be able to see something beyond the glass.
Tap on the surface of the mirror with your knuckle. A normal mirror will produce a dull sound because it is placed in front of a wall. A two-way mirror, however, will produce an open, hollow, and reverberating sound, because there is an open space on the other side.
The "fingernail" test most commonly associated with identifying two-way mirrors is not as reliable as any of the methods above. It can be performed by putting your fingernail against the mirror. If there is NO gap between your nail and the reflection, you are touching a first-surface mirror. These are quite expensive and would not be installed under ordinary circumstances. All observation mirrors are first surface mirrors, but not all first surface mirrors are observation mirrors.
Some places, such as gas stations will use one way metal mirrors because glass mirrors can be destroyed by users.
No test for a two-way mirror is foolproof. There only needs to be a very small opening in the wall for a hidden camera with a fisheye lens, and there won't be any giveaway illumination on the other side, or any hollow sound, or anything to see with your cupped hands. Even if the mirror is a normal one, there are many other places to hide observation devices. Also keep in mind that most people have no desire to go through the risk, trouble and effort to spy. An exception to this would be the proprietors of retail establishments, who often use surveillance technology in order to hold down employee theft as well as shoplifting.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Excellent advice and insight ....

An Angel says, 'Never borrow from the future. If you worry about whatmay happen tomorrow and it doesn't happen, you have worried in vain.Even if it does happen, you have to worry twice.'
1. Pray
2. Go to bed on time.
3. Get up on time so you can start the day unrushed.
4. Say No to projects that won't fit into your time schedule, or thatwill compromise your mental health.
5. Delegate tasks to capable others.
6. Simplify and unclutter your life.
7. Less is more. (Although one is often not enough, two are often toomany.)
8. Allow extra time to do things and to get to places.
9. Pace yourself. Spread out big changes and difficult projects overtime; don't lump the hard things all together.
10. Take one day at a time.
11. Separate worries from concerns . If a situation is a concern, findout what God would have you do and let go of the anxiety . If you can'tdo anything about a situation, forget it.
12. Live within your budget; don't use credit cards for ordinarypurchases.
13. Have backups; an extra car key in your wallet, an extra house keyburied in the garden, extra stamps, etc.
14. K.M.S. (Keep Mouth Shut). This single piece of advice can prevent anenormous amount of trouble.
15. Do something for the Kid in You everyday.
16. Carry a Bible with you to read while waiting in line.
17. Get enough rest.
18. Eat right.
19 Get organized so everything has its place.
20. Listen to a tape while driving that can help improve your quality oflife.
21. Write down thoughts and inspirations.
22. Every day, find time to be alone.
23. Having problems? Talk to God on the spot. Try to nip small problemsin the bud. Don't wait until it's time to go to bed to try and pray.
24. Make friends with Godly people.
25. Keep a folder of favorite scriptures on hand.
26. Remember that the shortest bridge between despair and hope is oftena good 'Thank you Jesus .'
27. Laugh.
28. Laugh some more!
29. Take your work seriously, but not yourself at all.
30. Develop a forgiving attitude (most people are doing the best theycan).
31. Be kind to unkind people (they probably need it the most).
32. Sit on your ego.
33 Talk less; listen more.
34. Slow down.
35. Remind yourself that you are not the general manager of theuniverse.
36 Every night before bed, think of one thing you're grateful for thatyou've never been grateful for before.
GOD HAS A WAY OF TURNING THINGSAROUND FOR YOU. 'If God is for us, who can be against us?'(Romans 8:31)
This is AWESOME....something we should all remember.

A 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud man, who is fully dressed eachmorning by eight o'clock, with his hair fashionably combed and shavedperfectly, even though he is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today.His wife of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary. Aftermany hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, he smiledsweetly when told his room was ready.As he maneuvered his walker to the elevator, I provided a visual descriptionof his tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on his window.I love it,' he stated with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having justbeen presented with a new puppy.Mr. Jones, you haven't seen the room; just wait.''That doesn't have anything to do with it,' he replied.Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time.Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture isarranged .. it's how I arrange my mind. I already decided to love it.'It's a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice; I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do.Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open, I'll focus on the new dayand all the happy memories I've stored away. Just for this time in my life.Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw from what you've put in.So, my advice to you would be to deposit a lot of happiness in the bankaccount of memories!Thank you for your part in filling my Memory Bank.I am still depositing.'Remember the five simple rules to be happy:1. Free your heart from hatred.2. Free your mind from worries.3. Live simply.4. Give more.5. Expect less.
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